Saturday, September 1, 2012

Gun Control

       Learning about attempted social change in Chomsky's "Occupy" is very interesting to me. Multiple questions arise in my mind as I learn more about the subject, but what sticks in my head is the clear commitment from the thousands of people involved in Occupy Wall street. There are countless reasons to occupy and attempt to validate some kind of movement in this country. But another problem going on in this country that we haven't really talked about is gun control. I should let it be known I am against guns. But at the same time I grew up in an area where I could feel safe at night knowing there wasn't a gun in the house.
       Self defense is a valid argument in the subject of gun control, but people are dying and this is undeniably a problem that has not been addressed. The facts alone are enough to alarm anybody ( What upsets me is seeing these problems over and over with no intentions of change. The Trayvon Martin Case, the Dark Knight Rises shooting, and the shooting at the Empire State building last week are just a few incidents that come to mind over the past year.
         Due to the fact that it is an election year, I feel Mitt Romney and Barack Obama should address their stands on these issues. But I think this topic is constantly ignored because opening up where you stand on such a subject could lose you votes. What's interesting to me is when Mitt Romney was a governor in Massachussets he was an advocater of gun control ( He limited the use of assault weapons in the state. But now when he's running for president and there are countless shootings going on in this country talking about gun control is an unlikely occurrence.
         I don't disagree with the second amendment. Self defense is an important thing in this country there's no question about that. But purchasing a hand gun for self defense, is as easy as a maniac purchasing an assault rifle to go on a killing spree. Maybe that's an exaggeration but there's no question it is too easy for these criminals.
        Not many Americans support gun control. Most are against it. But I feel there should be some alternatives to the system right now. Guns should not be for sale at Wal-mart. Getting a gun should be a long process in which your desire as to why you want to own it is clear and on file. For instance, hypothetically if a hunter wants to buy a gun, there should be some sort of test that explain his intentions and knowledge of hunting. Perhaps similarly to if someone goes to the DMV to get their license there is a test. And if owning a gun for self defense is your intent, nothing larger than a hand gun should be necessary.
        I don't know, this is just one idea I had and I'm sure as usual things are more complicated than that. But if there's one thing I'm tired of it's guns and killing. Especially the deaths of innocent people. Citizens should not live in fear of going to see Batman and getting shot. What truley upsets me is the fact that not one idea or one opinion has been shared from Obama or Romney in this election. If the winner of this election displays their opinion of being for or against gun control after they win then that is truley disturbing to me. Citizens should have a right to know where any politician stands on any issue. The manipulations of people through elections is one of the many reasons why people in Occupy Wall street are disgusted with everything in this country.
       If we want social change that's beneficial to everyone (crazy concept), then we have to be honest and willing to trust people. Right now, that is an impossible thing to accomplish in this country, and over the course of time I hope that can change.

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